Board of Review Member Needed!

Sandstone Charter Township is looking for a new member on the township Board of Review (BOR) to act as an alternate to serve on the Board if one of the current three members is unable to attend a meeting. The BOR holds public meetings to address taxation issues experienced by Sandstone Township residents.

The BOR typically meets four times a year: two required meetings in March totaling twelve  hours (usually six hours each), and two additional meetings in July and December. The Alternate Board Member would not need to attend a meeting where all regular members were present.  A per meeting stipend is paid to the Board members to allay their costs.

Members of the Board of Review must be certified once every two years. Half-day certification sessions are currently being scheduled around the state by the State Tax Commission and by the Michigan Township Association. One of those sessions will be held in Jackson on February 5.

Click here for further information about Boards of Review from the State Tax Commission.

If you are interested in serving on this Board as an alternate and are a property taxpayer in Sandstone Township, please contact the Supervisor at: (517) 784-4712 ext. 4, or stop by or call the Township Office located at 7940 County Farm Road, Monday thru Friday, between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.